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Join date : 2013-01-07
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AOE Recruitment Empty
PostSubject: AOE Recruitment 

We are a pretty good group of players looking for a few more to join our team.
Spots opened up because of bad manners/harassment towards other teams. We are a fun good willed group of players so just like to have fun with a competitive aspect.

What we expect: To be talkative during game play so we know whats going on, like blinking in, missing, etc. But don't be too annoying as in talking about every detail. Respect the team. Enjoy the game. If you have advice on what we could do, bring it up but don't over power other members.

Times: We are in America, so you should be here, we play at night usually. No specific time.

Roles: They don't really matter at this point, just need talented players who can play once or twice a week for a couple hours. Wherever you're best at is where we will put you.

If you are interested then send me a PM on here with your steam info and DotA 2 name/s if we like what we see we will invite you to play.

We use Mumble as our VOIP for faster latency.
Please speak English well.

Hope to talk to you soon.
Back to topGo down   7/1/2013, 5:41 pm  

AOE Recruitment

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