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[AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL Empty
PostSubject: [AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL 


Its Yuri here from DotA. Im looking to form a competitive high level Australia clan in Dota2. Im looking for players with competitive experience or who are high ranked in either Dota . For example:

DotA 2 Rating: Match Skill Level High-Med

We are currently recruiting a team of 5 + Subs(2-3), we will need players who are particular good in specific fields (Hard Carries, Support, Initiators, etc.)

What we are looking for as Requirements:

At least 1+ years experience in DotA or/and DotA 2.
Knowledge on most Hero's including spells and auras that they may have.
Knowledge base on hero's item combos.
Have a working Microphone.
Loyalty and Respect to all Clan members.

(Members must be From Australia/New Zealand, this is because of time differences with other countries may lead to impossible set times for quick scrims and etc.)

To join, just send me your steam ID and we will invite you and within a short period of time (within the week) we'll play a game to see if your skill level is up to standards..
See you in DotA2.

Back to topGo down   25/1/2013, 8:01 pm  

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[AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL 

Back to topGo down   3/2/2013, 4:35 pm  

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[AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL 

Back to topGo down   6/2/2013, 2:07 pm  

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[AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL 

Hi man,

I would really like to try out with you and your mates.

I fully awnser to your prerogatives, Matchmaking very high bracket when I solo queue, More than 7 years of dota play, I have been in several teams and won some competitive tournaments.

For all that time I have been playing almost every heroes and every roles in teams.

I'm living in Sydney and play at my home or to the sity hunter net cafe just near to my appartment.

I hope to have some news from you soon !

See ya !

P.S: Steam id : r1ckdeckard or pm me here
Back to topGo down   6/2/2013, 6:14 pm  

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[AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL 

Back to topGo down   9/2/2013, 4:11 am  

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[AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL 

If your still looking for people im interested

I've played dota 2 for almost a year now. Previously played Dota 1 and HoN for about 3years altogether.

I que very high bracket solo, and can play any roles from 2-5. My hard carry is abit rusty >_<"

Im from Sydney, and usually play from 6pm onwards to about 12.

Steam ID: Erakid
Back to topGo down   10/2/2013, 8:38 pm  

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[AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL 

Hey there mate although its a bit late mind putting me up on the list as wel. Have been playing dota 1 for past 2-3 years did play a bit of HON but didn't enjoy it and now play dota 2.

Main role playing mid solo and with competitive heroes not just trolls, my stats don't show well due to the fact that I've been mucking around recently with friends but im willing to play serious with you guyz and show my reall skills.

I added you on steam, do accept me, id is "mhkK"
Back to topGo down   14/2/2013, 8:12 pm  

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[AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL 

Hey mate im still looking to join an aus clan my usernames dan.redbull18 cheers,
Back to topGo down   5/9/2014, 10:06 pm  
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[AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL 

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[AUS] Team SPARK-F Recruitment, Join now!HIGHSKILL

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