My name is Christoffer, Im from Sweden, 21 years old and I play DOTA 2, I take the game very serious as I love competetive play, when I first started with competetive play It was CS 1.5 and 1.6, after that I played some DOTA, and HoN since they released the first version of their BETA. Now I really need to find a team that are serious and willing to progress. I'm currently unemployed and have pretty much all the time in the world to put on DOTA.
My only requirement for any team willing to pick me up is that you are patient, you dont flame and bash/whine and cry, I preferrably see that you are over 18, or atleast in that ballpark.
Country: Sweden
Languages: Swedish, English
Role: Carry/Semi-Carry - I am very flexible with roles as I feel comfortable with pretty much anything.
Time: Daily 00:00 - 00:00 CET +/-
You can reach me @ http://steamcommunity.com/id/sledpimp