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Join date : 2013-03-17
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Team Orbit Team 3 Empty
PostSubject: Team Orbit Team 3 


I am from http://www.team-orbit.org/ and I am trying to make a new Team.
We will be practicing inhouse between the teams of team-orbit

Currently I am mid and I have a carry.

What do we need?

We need 3 more members for building up to eventual competetetive team.
We need 3 more members dedicated to learn and practice on regular basis and have fun.

If you enjoy playing Support:

- Jungler / Ganker
- or Hard support and give your all for the sake of your team and still do some roaming
- or mby you like to play Admiral Bulldog style with Syla Bear or just enjoy playing Natures and other offlaners (clock, bat even qop, storm ...) Smile you are welcome to be tested.

How do I contact you?

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Samuil23/
Team-Orbit profile: http://www.team-orbit.org/ipboard/user/937-samuil23/
Back to topGo down   26/5/2013, 7:14 am  

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Join date : 2013-03-17
Posts : 8

Team Orbit Team 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Orbit Team 3 

Thank you for all those who applied you can still join the community and get into another team eventually. Smile

Back to topGo down   28/5/2013, 6:43 am  

Team Orbit Team 3

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