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Join date : 2012-08-24
Posts : 3

Team Integrity US team Empty
PostSubject: Team Integrity US team 

We are a newly formed name Integrity team named looking for 1-2 players. Looking for US players only, age requirement is 18+.

Position open to fill, mid and initiation/semi carry.

Practice schedule will be Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs 8CST-Midnight(Will go longer if people willing)
Alternate days for extra practice friday same time not required.
As team progresses on into the competitive scene, flexiablity for Weekend tournament may be asked of. Leagues will join we see fit at the time.

Our goals as a team is to make it to high end competitive dota2 area. We will be flexiable with players as long as you show dedication, understanding of the game, and improvement. You can send me a message through steam on or email me at

Note if you have a personality that has a bad habit of arguing mid game or over calling captain then this team may not be for you. Our focus is to get a solid 5 working together before causing problems at the start of games all the time.

Email with info and yourself and interested position. Thank you for your time.

Also make sure you give me same info you would email if you add me on steam.
Back to topGo down   20/11/2012, 7:54 pm  

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Join date : 2012-08-24
Posts : 3

Team Integrity US team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Integrity US team 

Looking for a solid Hardlane / Offlane player
Back to topGo down   25/11/2012, 5:33 pm  

Team Integrity US team

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