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[OLDG] Looking for players to join our community Empty
PostSubject: [OLDG] Looking for players to join our community 

Oldgamerz is a gaming community for the more mature player,we offer a great place to come and share your gaming experience with like minded players from around the world,we play games on all platforms,all we ask if you join us is you enjoy we arent all hardcore but like most players we like to win every now and again,so heres what im asking if your 30+ yrs of age and want to join a community of mature but fun players then come on over to our website an register........if your more hardcore an not really looking for anything casual then thank you anyway for reading this......our DOTA 2 team is made up of guys who like to win but arent bothered if they lose,you will not get called stupid names or be ridiculed in anyway,we use our own teamspeak server and well thats about click on our webpage below and let the fun begin.
Back to topGo down   30/11/2013, 9:41 pm  

[OLDG] Looking for players to join our community

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