Hi there.
I'm a 22 yearold Swedish EU player.
I've had about 2 years experience of dota, been playing dota 2 since release basically.
Best heroes would probably be heroes such as: Lich, Kotl, Dazzle, Treant, Enigma, Magnus etc.
So you can say that offlaner/support is the most suitable role for me.
However I don't mind playing a gyro, troll WL, or a PL either. It's all depending on the team really. I just feel it's more fun to support, buy wards, counter-ward, etc.
So anyhow. I'm looking for a clan that needs a good player in its roster. I've been playing with my IRL mates for the last year and, unfortunately, they're all bad. I want to take the step up to a serious clan now and see what I can do.
Steamid : zakistaz
Nickname: Emperor Suizei / Iaria
Dotabuff : Just look me up whenever. All stats isn't ranked there though as I forgot to make it able to read my scores until I knew you had to change it manually (rofl).
Suizei - out