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Join date : 2013-05-15
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Starting fresh. Looking for SEA Team Empty
PostSubject: Starting fresh. Looking for SEA Team 

Name: Kelvin
Steam profile link:
Age: 20
Playing from: HK/Malaysia (SEA server)
How long have you played dota: since Dota 1. 8 years.
Individual Skill: High.
What roles do you play: Utility, Hard Support, Semi Carry
Preferred heroes: quite flexible
Expectations from this team: Aim and exceed their potentials. Not to sound ambitious but aim for TI. Good team dynamics. Learn from each other
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: I have multiple accounts. Quite difficult to display. The link is my recent account.

Just finding another team that is serious about taking competition to the next level. Add me if you are interested.
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Starting fresh. Looking for SEA Team

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