hello i am D3CAY my friend has just recently left his team there are 3 of us we have 2 open spots and are looking to find two more players.
-looking for high skill leveled players who are dedicated and serious
-Nationality: north american for practice purposes
-positions: support and jungle
-Contact info: email me at d3caygaming@gmail.com if you are serious and dedicated high skill player or add the capitan: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dotaorgtfo/ or me at http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041304712/
-we will be practicing usually in the afternoon after tryouts we will figure times out
-We plan to go to LANs, tournaments, whatever we are good enough to go for. with practice it shouldn't be all to difficult.
will be holding tryouts really soon
PLEASE ONLY SERIOUS PLAYERS ONLY (yes people that like to have fun but are also dedicated, what i don't want is someone emailing me trolling not being serious about wanting to be on a team)