Hello, I am looking for mid-skilled clanm to participate in any mode games possible tournaments. I played DOTA quite alot, stopped for about a year, then jumped onto LOL and some HoN. now I've been playing Dota 2 for 2 weeks. I play a good amount, I work shift work so sometimes can be random, but usually have every other weekend off too.
I play most roles well. although i do love a good support/carry. I know most the champions pretty well, but strive to be very knowledgable.
Steam ID: norselegend84
location: USA - Indiana
Roles: Support/Carry, but will fill most
Fav. heros: Enigma, Naga, Slardar, Void, Enchantress, naix, Skelly king, KOTL just a few off top of my head