Hey! I'm an Dutch guy looking for a team to play with.
I have been playing DOTA 2 for about 6 months now, and I played normal dota too. and I would like to join a team to play scrimms with, and possibly play competitive DOTA with. I'm coming from HoN aswell where I played since very early beta (so close to three years) where I achieved MMR of around 1850-1900 solo queuing. Living in Holland, preferably I would like to join an EU team, although I am prepared to play on USE servers if the right team wanted to pick me up. I'm available to play at most times that should suit both EU and US based teams, and I am able to use Ventrilo/Teamspeak/Skype.
My preferred roles are carry/semi carry or mid lane ganker, although I'm also comfortable playing junglers, initiators and would also consider support or even hard support if I was part of a team playing regular games.
I'm 17 years old, friendly, polite, and open to criticism. Mainly I'm just wanting to play with a team rather than solo queuing, and to improve my game with a view to enter tournaments.
If anyone is interested either send me a PM on this forum, post in this thread, or you can add me in steam and chat further there, my steam username is Quesium