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Join date : 2012-04-17
Posts : 6

Dear Dota 2 developers. Empty
PostSubject: Dear Dota 2 developers. 

Dear Dota 2 developers.

It's has been a while from last time i have send any message. I have to admit that it hurts me deeply looking my friends joining in dota2 while i sit here and play stupid mind-fuck game, hon. I would like to buy the game but i don't have paypal am 100 km from the nearest bank, and i don't have ability to go there.
So it was great time that i spend waited for some keys but tnx i don't want to bee part of that any longer.
I simply don't know why have i thought that this community would better that any else.

Yours faithfully gamer.
Back to topGo down   27/6/2012, 3:40 am  

Commendations : 37
Join date : 2011-07-20
Posts : 1461

Dear Dota 2 developers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Dota 2 developers. 

And why are you writing this message here? DO we look like Valve?

Please post a frustration message on the official site.
Thread Closed.
Back to topGo down   27/6/2012, 4:05 am  
http://radu.budau@gmail.com blood4u2

Dear Dota 2 developers.

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