So I've been playing lately cm in pubs on RGC games mostly fail horrible but this one amazed me.
It was a pub with CO-OPERATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must admit this isn't one of my good games but I did my part as the captain and tidehunter.
I do not recall any special minutes for cool stuff but I do know that the game is very long.
Best part was they failed every push and we were -1 player for 15 minutes meaning phantom lancer had 15 minutes of free farm.
Line up:
Sentiniel(My team): Slardar(Was supposed to be top; afked for 15 minutes), Vengeful Spirit, Spectre and Tidehunter(Bot on Trilane), Mirana(Mid)
Scourge: Phantom Lancer(Top),Broodmother, Venomancer and Sven(Bot on Trilane), Rhasta(Mid left at min 20)
Link to the video:
Game details: 6.73c(english version)
Played on RGC