Our website: www.dirtnapgaming.com
Our Teamspeak 3 Server: ts.dirtnapgaming.com
Our in game chat channel is: DirtNap
What is Dirt Nap?:
Dirt Nap Gaming is an online gaming community comprised of both Causal and Competitive players.
Are We Competitive?:
Yes! We have 4 Community Sponsored Teams across 2 games, League of Legends and one DOTA2 team!
What Can Dirtnap Offer Me?:
- A Stable Voice Communications Server (Teamspeak 3)
- In House Tournaments with Prizes such as cash and potential sponsors from DirtNap!
- A growing Community ran by capable and competent leaders - You'll always have someone new to play with!
- A welcoming and respectful atmosphere - You don't have to worry about people constantly raging or swearing at you!
What If I Don't Want To Play DOTA2?:
That's absolutely fine (and understandable)! We also support other genre of games, and have servers for most!
We play:
- League of Legends
- Battlefield 3
- Counterstrike: Source
- Star Wars: The Old Republic
- World of Warcraft
- DotA 2
- Starcraft 2
- Minecraft
We also play many more Free-To-Play MMORPGs, FPS, and other games but I have to keep the list somewhat short!
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact any of the following people via our forums, teamspeak, or in-game Chat!
My steam: iinglorious
Teamspeak name: iinglorious
forum name: iinglorious