Depends on a lot of things. Mainly on what you are playing that intelligence hero for:
- Support: A pair of Bracers are enough, but if the game is going cool (courier updated and 2 wards down in the static lane time), you can get Mekansm and/or Urn of Shadows, both of them gives you survavibility and a good support.
- Ganker: If early farm is enough get a Linken's Sphere, otherwise you may get a Force Staff[ wich is good to escape, such as give some more follow up damage.
- Carry/Semicarry: Same as Ganker role, you want to spend more and maybe a BKB is what you really need
- Initiator: Depends on the way the hero does initiate: Enigma needs BKB, Batrider needs hp (vanguard, BKB, bloodstone...)
Anyway, as qassamzed said, TP SCROLL is something you really need ALWAYS in your equipement, such as saving a slot for it...