Many people state that a video game is simply a form of escape from reality. The fact of the matter is, that statement is completely false. I am going to tell you a story about how a simple map edited mini-game changed my life. Back in 2003 I was a simple sixteen year old guy with very little, if not any, friends and practically no social life. I wasn't part of the popular crowd due to the fact that I was, well... a gamer. Then one day as I was walking home I noticed a new internet cafe opening so I walked in and saw about thirty computers with twenty-nine of them either having counter-strike or world of warcraft. But as I was about to leave I noticed ONE with a very poorly graphic game (old school graphics and a small blue man throwing down blue clouds and magically appearing behind his opponent. For some reason, and I still don't know why to this day, I stayed and watched him play. After, what I thought was a too long one hour match (GOD I was such a noob back then) I asked that random man what game he was playing. He told me the name of the game was Defense of the Ancients, also known as DOTA. I asked him how much was the game, and he stated it was free, and the fact that the game really wasn't a game. Now I shit you not, it took him a good thirty minutes to explain to me what he meant (lol). He told me his name was Blake and that he would teach me how to play the game, and I was happy cause I made a new friend. So everyday after school I would hit up the internet cafe and play a couple of games with Blake. Now lets just say, I sucked. I sucked pretty damn hard. I was one of those noobs that would buy more than one boots of swiftness cause I thought you would need one for each foot (lol). However after about two months of raging, and a lot of help from Blake I became pretty decent. I understood the importance of last hitting, lane control, smart hero selection, item building, and warding. I played dota everyday at the cafe, even the days that Blake didn't show up which were the weekend. At the 6th month period I was playing TDA competitively and was invited to a team to play on gamebattles. I then entered my first gaming tournament in Chicago which was known as "Dota Fire and Ice Tournament." For the first time ever, I felt like I was going somewhere in my life. On top of that I now had six GOOD friends. Now I know a lot of people are going to call me a loser or make fun of me because I wasn't very social but that's fine. I was picked on a lot in high school anyway so I'm used to it. The best part of DOTA, was the community...everyone was so nice and caring. Yes there were people that raged at the tournament but they weren't angry at you, they were usually angry at themselves for making a mistake. The experience was phenomenal. Our team ended up in the top 8 but placed 7th which was great for the first time entering a tournament. I thought that this game would not get me any further than this great feeling, but man was I wrong. After the tournament ended as I was walking outside back to the car, I saw this gorgeous, beautiful, and super sexy Korean woman looking at me. Now, like I said before I was not a social person, but because of the fact that I had friends and I socialized more often with the DOTA community, I did something that I didn't even think I could EVER do, I went up, spoke to her and asked her if she wanted to hang out (OMFG). She actually said yes. I ended up dating this Korean (Japanese speaking) hunk of meat for three years. I am now happily married to her at the age of twenty-four. So video games don't get you anywhere in life huh? Really? DOTA changed me from sixteen year old loser from high school, into a twenty four year old super social and married man with more happiness than money can ever buy. What would happen if I was never introduced to DOTA? Where would I be? Its a scary thought isn't it?
So what is the purpose of this life story? What is the reasoning for this? I feel that my life has come to a halt due to recent situations from steam. I don't know how to Photoshop, I don't know how to take good pictures, I don't know how to write skits, or make videos. I'm a simple married man who's in school for nursing. Practically, sigh, I hope I'm not taken the wrong way but a part of my life is missing and that part is dota 2. I have written numerous letters to steam and icefrog and their forums but people just think that I am trying to "mooch" them off a beta key that they will never use, which is severely depressing. Please help guys, this is not just a game for me, this is something that has escalated my life into happiness and success. I thank you all for taking the time to read this and wish you all a good day. Later =p = email