Hello everyone! I recently stumbledupon this amazing site http://8tracks.com/. It is a a site where people make playlists and share it with others.
When you enter the site, you will see a list of categories (genres). You can tick them and the search engine of the site will find playlists that satisfy the genre criteria you chose.
For instance you can tick - happy, electro and dance. The next thing you see if a bunch of playlists that have this type of music.
I really like the site, because i can listen to any music according to my mood.
I recommend those playlists:
- Spoiler:
Electro - http://8tracks.com/mpsales/music-sex
Alternative rock / indie - http://8tracks.com/melissakagan/summer-time-fun
Classic rock - http://8tracks.com/ankeshmishra/retro-love
Relaxing country music - http://8tracks.com/ermanerkal/for-relaxing-times
Relaxing - http://8tracks.com/lytebryte25/songs-to-lie-on-your-bed-and-stare-at-the-ceiling-to
Metal / Rock - http://8tracks.com/kgreig/bassists-are-underrated
House - http://8tracks.com/gr8music/chilled-house
Check out the site, If you find any playlists you like share them
and enjoy music