My name is priest. I'm an ex professional Call of Duty 1 player. I play a ton of games these days, run a War Thunder division for a clan, and pretty much am just a passionate gamer. I played LoL for about a year and a half and almost went semi-pro but quit season 3 because I felt they ruined it.
I've tried to play DOTA 2 numerous times since getting my beta invite way back in closed beta but always found myself pushed away by the community. I had some friends who played start to teach me but that lasted about a month, and they weren't very helpful teachers either. I pretty much played what THEY wanted me to play. I'm here now on probably my fourth attempt at really learning the game. I have most if not all of the basics down so i'd place myself somewhere between beginner and intermediate. While league of legends is an entirely different creature, I think that having nearly mastered all aspects of that game have given me a decent groundwork in DOTA2. My only issue is getting frustrated with my teammates (not their play, but having 90% of my games been filled with jerks who simply toss blame around and watch you make a SINGLE mistake then berate you the rest of the game. That kind of stuff just pisses me off and makes me play even worse).
I joined the site here after joining the steam DOTA 2 school group in hopes of finding a mentor to help me learn the game better, advise me on heroes I would enjoy playing (I'm actually quite picky when it comes to this), instruct me on match up potentials and what heroes to look out for, and generally enjoy the game more! I have no real aspirations of going pro and trying to join Na'Vi or anything, I simple would like to not feel wary about hitting the "find a match" button and worrying about if I could get a Hero I like and whether or not my teammates are going to be a nightmare to deal with.
Anyway, sorry for the long introduction. Feel free to add me on steam ( if you want to play.
PS: I fell in love with Pudge very early on when learning the game. I understand he is one of the tougher heroes to play but for me, if I don't like the Hero, I won't have fun playing the game. Another hero I've found to enjoy has been Riki. I am competent with bloodseeker and nightstalker, and probably have had my most success with them but honestly, they kind of bore me. I might want to try storm spirit mid too.