So hello there I'm trying to find a clan/team for myself for a while now and I tought my luck will be better here.
I've been playing dota for quite a while now and I really want to start doing competitive gaming >.> On tournaments and such.
So if you guys are interesting in recruting me fell free to add me:
I can play pretty much any role.
Also I do have skype and teamspeak as a way of talking to you guys if needed.
Location:Serbia wich means I can play pretty much on any Eu server and US east server
Availability (Gaming times): On working day from 17:00-23:00 Weekends: depends either from 17/20 till 01-02h GMT+1
Experience: I used to play DotA aggainst bots due me being young xd and not having internet. 800h+ and over 700 matches on Dota2
Other teams: non,that's why I'm looking for one,used to play with friends.
Best heroes:huh xD Invoker,Juggernaut,Shadow Fiend,Pudge,Huskar,Wisp[Io],Bloodseeker,Outworld Devoirer,Lich. Well it's easier this way:
Note: Stats are kinda nobish due me letting my friend play while I was on holiday.
Also looking forward to find a team that will enter that tounrament that D2p made.