Hey dota 2 players :],
I want to experience the team-game of dota 2, thats why im searching for people to create a team
you should be able to speak german cause of fast communicating.
you should know the in' and outs' of dota and should be able to tell all skills from all heroes and be able to improve.
you should have high targets to reach.
I want to practice a lot, to get into the competetive scene of dota 2, take parts in tournaments cups and so on
. You should have the same targets.
A microphone and teamspeak 3 is an advantage aswell!
A last thing, you should know are the lineups. for example the tri lane :].
Im playing the hardlane so if you are able to play the midlane, hardcarry or whatever else, just add me :]
steam id: Xatenev