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Join date : 2013-03-21
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Diversity professional clan recruiting Empty
PostSubject: Diversity professional clan recruiting 

Hi There, I am the Leader of our clan,

Our Diversity clan was created over 4 years ago. We were mainly a C&C Ra3 clan during the early years. Now we are expanding to other games mentioned below. We have over 650 members on our website and growing everyday.

Our members are very friendly and communicative, offering to help out if needed and we have over 100 new posts on our forum everyday. We are a sponsored clan and also have a professional structure with mature leaders managing the clan. Obviously the main aim is for our members to have as much fun as possible, joining in with the discussions, posting topics, attending money tournaments, reading the daily news about gaming, participating in debates and videos together with voting for awards given to members etc... Current games we are invovled in are:

C&C Red Alert 3
C&C Generals 2
Company of Heroes 1
Company of Heroes 2
COD Black OPS 2
League of Legends
Dota 2
Starcraft 2

Website address: http://www.diversityclan.eu

Our DOTA 2 leader will guide and help you with your gameplay and clan activities, we will also be joining MLG tournaments as soon as we have enough good players. We have just expanded to DOTA 2 and would very much appreciate it if you could help make our clan one of the strongest ones on the battlefield.

If you are interested in joining our clan then please reply to this recruitment topic after registering - http://www.diversityclan.eu/ipboard/topic/1782-applications-to-join-dvt/
Back to topGo down   21/3/2013, 11:06 pm  

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Join date : 2012-08-03
Posts : 1

Diversity professional clan recruiting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diversity professional clan recruiting 

Im interested. I've been playing for a pretty long time and I alot of things about the game. I signed up at the link you gave
Back to topGo down   24/3/2013, 2:21 am  

Diversity professional clan recruiting

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