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Join date : 2012-11-24
Posts : 2

[EU] Experienced player LF competitive team Empty
PostSubject: [EU] Experienced player LF competitive team 

- Belgian
- 20 years old
- Practise times: 19:00 to 23:00 GMT+1, more on weekends
- Languages: English and Dutch
- Other games: Played Guild Wars 1 at top 25-50 (on and off over 5 years), currently playing for Team Paradigm [TP] for Guild Wars 2

Dota 2 Specific
I like to say that I have a solid base of knowledge and practise, but never put the step into going for competitive play (Focus was on other games). Now, I want to take this step and work on putting my solo experience to the test in proper competition. I watch almost every competitive match played to keep up with meta, and most importantly I try to predict where the meta will go.

- Experience: WC3 DotA since 2006, 1100+ games of Dota 2
- Positions: Hard Carry |Semi Carry | Offlane | Jungler
- Favourite heroes: Faceless Void, Spectre, Chaos Knight, Bounty Hunter, Mirana, Magnus, Undying, Dark Seer, Enigma

Looking for
- Euro team
- Online tournaments and possibility for LAN
- Mind set upon going competitive
- Friendly bunch of people that can make as much fun as they can take a match serious
- A group that is open for improvement, making mistakes should be learned from and seen as progress


Add me and you can ask me for a game anytime I am online
Back to topGo down   24/11/2012, 12:50 pm  

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Join date : 2012-11-24
Posts : 2

[EU] Experienced player LF competitive team Empty
PostSubject: Re: [EU] Experienced player LF competitive team 

Updated post, no longer interested in playing support but intersting in playing hard carry again.
Back to topGo down   8/12/2012, 11:36 am  

[EU] Experienced player LF competitive team

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