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[EU] Player Looking for MS-HS team Empty
PostSubject: [EU] Player Looking for MS-HS team 


My name is Boudi Cristian from Romania , i am 22y/o

I'm searching for team that ASAP to join tournamets/Leagues
Abou me : My roll is mid lane but i can play on hard lane to
Iv played on many tounrnamets with my old team and won almoste everything but it was unballanced team so we disbanded
My fav heroes ar : invoker/tinker/tide/batrider/morph/enigma/chen
I can play every day after 5 PM (+2 GMT)
Contacts : Skype : irelevant2
Steam : #puffpuffpass(plank image)
Back to topGo down   27/10/2012, 2:55 am  

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[EU] Player Looking for MS-HS team Empty
PostSubject: Re: [EU] Player Looking for MS-HS team 

Wow you would be perfect, if I only had my pc to organize my clan finally..
Back to topGo down   27/10/2012, 3:09 am  

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[EU] Player Looking for MS-HS team Empty
PostSubject: Re: [EU] Player Looking for MS-HS team 

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[EU] Player Looking for MS-HS team Empty
PostSubject: Re: [EU] Player Looking for MS-HS team 

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[EU] Player Looking for MS-HS team Empty
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[EU] Player Looking for MS-HS team

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