As the title says....
So a little bit about myself, I somehow missed the original DoTA completely, probably because after a few games online in Warcraft 3, the community drove me away from the online scene, and that seemed actually a good idea since I heard the original DoTA community was worse. So I went away and after a while, joined the Heroes of Newerth Beta. About 3 years after I joined, I had amassed a total of about 400 games, but I didnt entirely like the direction HoN was going with the new heroes like Monkey King, Emerald Warden and others. I was also watching a lot of DoTA 2 content from such people like purge and I enjoyed the game a lot. Better hero design (I would cry if HoN tried to import an Invoker style hero and try to balance it properly) with more unique and interesting abilities (Stealing spells anyone? Morph anyone?)
Currently I would like to practice some more heroes that i often dont play. These days the heroes I play is pretty much Windrunner/Crystal/Lion, as public games often require support pick up over carries. I'd like to learn proper Broodmother, maybe help with Templar Assassin or, definately, I would like to get help with Night stalker.
I'm still willing to support others, I just would like to play other heroes, especially since DoTA 2 heroes are better.
Hit me up on Steam: nareik123, or Skype: Gr.nareik123