made all the top rated playdota guides into Dota 2 guides.
New pictures, new names, new everything. It's very simple to understand:
You get two drop down lists: Hero counters and Select hero.
In hero counters, you select which hero you want to counter. It will then show up to 10 pictures of heroes that counter it, and if you hower over them, the tool tip will say why.
When you press select hero, it'll give you a hero picture, 4 skill pictures and sometimes bonus pictures(for example 10 more invoker spells) Each has a tool tip consisting of: Dota 2 wiki information and playdota information combined. Then you choose your role(carry, support, initiator, etc...) and lane(jungle included). When you're finished, you'll get a skill build and a full item build for all stages of the game. Every item ALSO has a tool tip. So be sure to read them all as some might say "buy up to 3 of these" for example. Note: luxury items also include situational items. So yeah, go get it, champs in the making.
Inform me on any issues you notice. You'll need java 1.6 to open this.