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PostSubject: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Logoqps

Recruiting 2-3 more players who can play on SEA Region with no lags, we currently have 10 players but some of them are inactive. We currently split ourselves into 2 teams so everyone are able to play.

-Stable team
-Join every single online tournaments for SEA Region

-Able to speak and understand english
-Active and Aiming for competitive scene

Quote :
Steam profile link:
Playing from:
How long have you played dota:
Individual Skill:
What roles do you play:
Preferred heroes:
Expectations from this team:
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon:

Last edited by pemujasetan on 13/6/2012, 11:43 pm; edited 12 times in total
Back to topGo down   29/3/2012, 6:59 am  

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PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

I think you must also provide your WEBSITE for the CLAN Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

its not a clan, its a team. we currently dont have any website, not until we got stable team.
Back to topGo down   29/3/2012, 6:53 pm  

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PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam name:820Slayer
Playing from:Australia
How long have you played dota:3 Years
Individual Skill:Medium
What roles do you play:Support, Ganker, Semi-Carry
Preferred heroes:Cm, Vs, Pugna, AA, Lich
Expectations from this team:Willing to listen to each other, plays often, doesn't rage
Screenshot of Wins/Losses/Abandons on your account:Just got invited to dota 2, but message me if you want to play together.
Back to topGo down   17/4/2012, 11:58 pm  

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PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam name: Elimcc
Age: 15
Playing from: Australia
How long have you played dota: 2 Years
Individual Skill: Medium
What roles do you play: Semi-carry, carry, support
Preferred heroes: Razor, Enigma, DP, Viper
Expectations from this team: Will listen and cooperate together as a team, active, don't rage, easy going and friendly
Screenshot of Wins/Losses/Abandons on your account: Can't upload a pic at the moment (on phone), but currently 80/90/1, add me on steam and I'll show you a screenshot there.

Back to topGo down   19/4/2012, 5:18 am  

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PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

bump, need to be able to play SEA region w/o lags, delays or w/e
Back to topGo down   26/4/2012, 4:18 am  

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PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

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PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Currently my dota 2 nickname is ExCarbon
Age: 20 (Currently in a college)
Playing from: Indonesia
How long have you played dota: around 1 year
Individual Skill: Expert
What roles do you play: Front line tanker: Ursa, Axe, Pudge, etc | Hard carry: Drow Ranger | Support/Initiator: Vengeful -- These are the heroes that currently I am familiar with.
Preferred heroes: Basically I can do multiple role, it depends on the teammate heroes and the enemy heroes. I know what hero do I need to choose in a certain condition.
Expectations from this team: Looking for a team and friends to play with
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: I just got the dota 2 invitation on my own account today. I played with my friend's account before I get the invitation in my account.

One more thing, I could not use the microphone properly. The other requirements were obviously completed.
Thank you
Back to topGo down   25/6/2012, 4:28 am  

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PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

ExCarbon wrote:
Currently my dota 2 nickname is ExCarbon
Age: 20 (Currently in a college)
Playing from: Indonesia
How long have you played dota: around 1 year
Individual Skill: Expert
What roles do you play: Front line tanker: Ursa, Axe, Pudge, etc | Hard carry: Drow Ranger | Support/Initiator: Vengeful -- These are the heroes that currently I am familiar with.
Preferred heroes: Basically I can do multiple role, it depends on the teammate heroes and the enemy heroes. I know what hero do I need to choose in a certain condition.
Expectations from this team: Looking for a team and friends to play with
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: I just got the dota 2 invitation on my own account today. I played with my friend's account before I get the invitation in my account.

One more thing, I could not use the microphone properly. The other requirements were obviously completed.
Thank you

well thats a major problem cause i need ppl to talk, if u can get some cheap mic it would help
Back to topGo down   26/6/2012, 7:06 pm  

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PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Age: 20
Playing from: USA/Philippines
How long have you played dota: 4 years
Individual Skill: All I can say is that I know how to counter-pick match ups and get an advantage.
What roles do you play: Mainly Support, initiator, roamer but can play carry.
Preferred heroes: Dark seer, Shadow demon, Bane
Expectations from this team: To help one another to be a better player.
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: Around 1:1 ratio W:L. I don't usually play carry heroes in PUBS. I support even if I'm not in a organized match for me to perfect my role.

I prefer to be at the bench of the team. I will play when asked to when I'm online. I have a high quality microphone for good communication. I have a huge study load this semester and I'm also opening a cyber-sports cafe so I'm quite busy. But I usually play at night. Smile
Back to topGo down   27/6/2012, 4:34 am

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Age: 17
Playing from: Middle east so SEA servers will be no problem
How long have you played dota: 3 years dota / 1 year HoN
Competitive dota ; Played in numerous open tournaments such as starladders and 4 PL, played on some open local LAN competitions
Individual Skill: Communication, map awareness, critical thinking, create strategies, drafting.
What roles do you play: Support roles : Babysitter, ganker, Initiator, pusher
Preferred heroes: Bane, Brewmaster, Lich, Shadow demon, dazzle, ancient aparition, crystal maiden, rubick,dirge
Expectations from this team: Competitive dota team
Back to topGo down   19/7/2012, 4:18 am  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Steam name: CieL
Playing from:Philippines
How long have you played dota:about 4 yrs
Individual Skill: Medium or high
What roles do you play: Midlaner,Support,Ganker
Preferred heroes: Invoker, Storm Spirit, Queen Of pain,Templar assasin or any supports I do good on them
Expectations from this team: Can play competitively
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: 78/76/8 If u add me i will let you see my Win lose and abandon

I can play what roles you will be giving me . I have a wide hero pool. I can play all heroes except Chen or enchantress

One more thing my Mic is not in good condition right now, I can play with you on command. I can easily be commanded.
I will not have a bad time not using mic coz I do have initiative what will I do Very Happy
add me on facebook too I have screenshots of heroes i Played

Back to topGo down   26/9/2012, 6:17 pm  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Playing from Singapore
Steam name: Pooty
Playing for 2years
Roles: carries
Heroes: Lycan, morphling, invoker, naix, pa, od, am and other strong carries
add me as fren and my usual gold per min in pub is usually 500-600 and i farm at a fast rate. thus im interested to join ur team
Back to topGo down   5/10/2012, 10:23 pm  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

pemujasetan wrote:
Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Logoqps

Recruiting 2-3 more players who can play on SEA Region with no lags, we currently have 10 players but some of them are inactive. We currently split ourselves into 2 teams so everyone are able to play.

-Stable team
-Join every single online tournaments for SEA Region

-Able to speak and understand english
-Active and Aiming for competitive scene

Quote :
Steam profile link:
Playing from:Philippines
How long have you played dota: dota1 :7 yrs Dota2: 3 months
Individual Skill:High-Very High
What roles do you play:All role main role : Ganker/Farmer
Preferred heroes:i can play all hero's special heros---> BH,PA,PL,Slardar,CK,Skel King,Sand king,TH
Expectations from this team:my expectation for this team is to have a good participation at all times and never surrender games || i want to have a good team i want to raise my skills and abilities Smile
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon:i dont actually preffered W/L/A coz i lways plays PUB coz i dont have team W/L/A is not important Smile the important is the team work and the team skills and abilities Smile
Back to topGo down   7/10/2012, 6:07 pm  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Playing from:Philippines
How long have you played dota: 5 years
Individual Skill: Semi-Expert
What roles do you play: Ganker / Initiator / Semi-support / Support
Preferred heroes: Dark Seer / Crystal Maiden / Sand king / Shadow Demon / Lion / Undying / Dazzle
Expectations from this team: Can Play competitive in International scene
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: Only played 2 weeks on Dota 2..

24 / 12 / 3. I hate playing pub games sometimes because of leavers.. That is why i spend this time searching for a team with skilled players to play with Smile
Back to topGo down   9/12/2012, 7:28 pm  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Age:19 years
Playing from:India
How long have you played dota: one and a half years of dota and 7 months of dota 2 experince
Individual Skill:Medium
What roles do you play:can play all types of roles with my prefrence going to hard support and initiators
Preferred heroes:my personal favorits are tide,sandking,dark seer,brewmaster,juggernaut,omniknight to name a few....
Expectations from this team:good communication and understanding in each of their team mates stengths and weakness and backing them up accordingly
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon:my current stats are 347/353/33 sry about the screenshot couldnt upload it..

i usually believe in teamwork along with picking heros based on opponents team and outlaning them and i am usually feel that good teamwork along with communication are key to wining and ur individual skills grow when u play wid players who have the same opinion on the game as u do..wining is not a priority to me as long as 5 players as a team give their best shot and have fun learning new thing in each match

i hope u consider me and look forward for your reply

Back to topGo down   11/12/2012, 5:54 pm  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

If looking for a competitive player let me know
I play dota in very competitive natrue and would love to play in a proper team
Used to play Cm a lot with clan ppl but they became inactive
let me know please
dota id - POTM
e-mail -
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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Playing from:sri lanka
How long have you played dota: 7 months
Individual Skill: medium
What roles do you play: hard carrier/ Initiator / carrier/
Preferred heroes: void/anti mage / riki / storm spirit / luna / choas kinght /juggunut/spirit breaker
Expectations from this team: Can Play competitive in International scene
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon:win:259 loss 270 leaving 22
I hate playing pub games sometimes because of leavers.. That is why i spend this time searching for a team with skilled players to play with.and i get always a bad team
Back to topGo down   15/12/2012, 8:20 am  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Age: 17
Playing from: Sweden
How long have you played dota: for about 4 years
Individual Skill: High
What roles do you play: Mid or hardcarry
Preferred heroes: Mid: Invoker, SF. Carries: Sven, Luna, Faceless void
Expectations from this team: To be serious.
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon:
Back to topGo down   28/12/2012, 9:06 am  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Playing from:Philippines
How long have you played dota: 2 years
Individual Skill: Medium
What roles do you play:Support/Initiator
Preferred heroes: Undying / Drow Ranger / Sniper / ClockWork
Expectations from this team: Win Some Games
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: 77 / 100 / 22
Sorry for many Abandons i need to get use to the settings with the mac
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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Age: 20
Playing from: Philippines
How long have you played dota: i've been playing dota 1 since 6.50 version. dota 2 for 2 and a half years
Individual Skill: at the middle of high and medium, i could still learn a lot.
What roles do you play: i can play any role, from 1-5. but in my team i play the 2 spot / mid solo
Preferred heroes: i can play any hero
Expectations from this team: i hope to have a great team who is willing to be the best and sacrifice to be the best
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: <<< i was the visage ( solo mid )

Additional: if i'm not playing dota 2, i watch replays from the pro scene. often livestreams but sometimes i watch replays. so i think i'm very educated with the plays and positioning. hope i can get accepted to your team. thankyou!
Back to topGo down   30/3/2013, 4:14 pm  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Age: 22
Playing from: home
How long have you played dota: more thn 2 years
Individual Skill: 1-10 i will give 7
What roles do you play: likes support and semi carry
Preferred heroes:support heroes
Expectations from this team:good team suppot
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: idk hw to do tht sry bt i have taken a ss its in ma profile u acn check tht
Back to topGo down   15/5/2013, 7:22 am  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link BloodyPasta

Age: 25

Playing from: PH

How long have you played dota: 8 years

Individual Skill: High

What roles do you play: Main Support and Jungler

Preferred heroes: Crystal Maiden, Jakiro, Prophet, Enigma

Expectations from this team: Both "fun" and "passion" will takes place

Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: To be followed up

I know how to use all jungler heroes and also the not so popular ones.
I have in mind different varieties of strategies that we can practice.

I'm working atm and saving money for E-Sports.
I really want to play at professional level.
I've been looking for a stable team, my aim is to join all kinds of tournaments.

I actually have IceFrog's secrets, made a guide out of it.
I decided to remove it in the community so I can only share it to few people.
People who are very determined to grow into E-Sports.
Back to topGo down   16/5/2013, 4:39 am  

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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) 

Steam profile link:
Age: 20
Playing from: HK/Malaysia (SEA server)
How long have you played dota: since Dota 1. i think 8 years
Individual Skill: High.
What roles do you play: Utility, Hard Support, Semi Carry
Preferred heroes: quite flexible
Expectations from this team: Aim and exceed their potentials. Not to sound ambitious but aim for TI. Good team dynamics. Learn from each other
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon: I have multiple accounts. Quite difficult to display. The link is my recent account.
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Storm[G] recruiting (SE Asia region) Empty
PostSubject: Looking to play dota2 with teamwork 

Steam profile link: My New Acc
Age: 22
Playing from: Singapore
How long have you played dota: 7years
Individual Skill: Good and can still improve
What roles do you play: Any
Preferred heroes: Faceless Void, Pudge, Dragon Knight, Nature Prophet, Invoker
Expectations from this team: Teamplay, Tactics, Learn as we go
Screenshot of Win/Lose/Abandon:

(New Acc) : 9/0/0
(Old Acc] : 384/391/3 , Account's Win Lose Rate spoilt while training invoker...
Back to topGo down   23/5/2013, 7:58 pm  
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