Archived videos will be up on, Tuesday and Wednesday I'll be just joining random games, sit and read the game, watch a bit of it, figure out what a team would need to do from there and how to be more successful (hero items, team composition, farm to that point in the game etc.) and how things might have been done differently. Thursdays have a specific topic that is talked about like warding, or how to support properly, or how to carry properly. Things that to some pros are natural knowledge, but Dota2 being a game of situations, I am just aiming to help individuals increase their map awareness, decision making and general thought processes when they play the game.
Dota, HON and LoL are all games of situations, which makes doing the right thing every time for the average player nearly impossible, I just hope to stream line the process and make better Dota 2 players before the game even comes out =)